Parenting workshops and groups

The Starting Well Partnership offers an exciting array of parenting groups and workshops. All sessions are free to attend and run by trained staff and volunteers from the Starting Well Partnership.

If you would like to know more about any of our groups, workshops or wish to register your interest please complete the online referral form.

Use the buttons below to find out more about each group. 

Parenting Groups - FAQs

Who are these parenting groups/online courses for?

The groups and online courses are for all parents and carers with children from birth to 19 years. The groups and online courses offer support and advice for all families, to include support for children with additional needs.

What is the evidence supporting these groups and online courses?

Research shows that the parenting groups and online courses help to build positive relationships between parent and child. They can reduce conflict and strengthen communication. The courses help to widen our understanding of feelings and behaviour to help us to become sensitive and effective parents. The courses are NICE approved.

Who runs the parenting groups?

Parent Support Workers will run each parenting group and will facilitate in pairs. These are trained professionals who have a wide experience of supporting families and children. All of our staff hold a DBS certificate. 

In some groups, volunteers support the facilitators. All our volunteers are vetted and hold a DBS certificate.

Do I have to pay to attend a parenting group or access an online course?

All groups and online courses are free to parents. An access code will be given to parents to complete the online courses.

How do I get onto a parenting group?

Parents can book through our website using the Trybooking service. Parents can also contact their Family Hub directly to request a group. Referrals are also received through schools and health services.

How much time do these parenting courses take?

Understanding Your Baby runs for 6 weeks. The group meets once a week for a two hour session.

All other parenting groups run for 10 weeks. The group will meet once a week for a two hour session, excluding school holidays.

Online courses are approximately 9 – 11 sessions, with each session lasting about 20 minutes each. Parents can work through them at their own pace.

How many people will be in a parenting group?

Group numbers vary but, typically, groups have from 5 to 12 parents.

Do I need to attend each session?

Each session will cover a different theme and builds on previous sessions. Therefore, to get the best out of the course, parents should attend every session.

If parents miss one session, the group facilitators will support the parent in catching-up on missed content.

Our parenting groups are popular and so we do expect good attendance from parents. We do understand that unavoidable events happen, but should a parent miss three sessions or more, we would remove them from the group and offer a group at a later date.

When and where do parenting groups take place?

Parenting groups are planned on a termly basis so starting dates vary. Groups will take place during the working day and will be term time only (excluding Understanding Your baby). We use different venues across Redditch and Bromsgrove which include Family Hubs, Schools, and Community Spaces.

All of our venues offer a safe, secure environment which is welcoming, warm and offer a friendly face and refreshments throughout.

Can I bring my children to the groups?

Babies are welcome to Understanding Your Baby. Unfortunately, we cannot accommodate older siblings or other children at this group.

For all other groups, parents attend without their child.

Will other parents in the group have the same problems as me?

Where possible, we try to match the group to the needs of the parent and child. Therefore, there may be some parents attending the group with similar problems to you. This can be of great benefit through shared experiences and understanding.

However, every situation is unique, and each group will offer parents the space and time to share their problems should they wish to.

Will I have to talk about my family’s problems?

The group is both supportive and safe for parents to talk about their family’s problems. However, there is no expectation for parents to do this and there will be no pressure to share.

Will other people find out what I talk about in the group?

In the first session, we will make a group agreement which will include confidentiality. It is expected that what we talk about in the group is not shared or discussed with anyone outside of the group.

Will other services know if I am attending the group?

We will not discuss you or your family to any other services unless we feel that you, or your child, or any other person is at risk of harm. We would always try to discuss this with you first. We can contact services on your behalf if you want us to. If someone referred you, we would let them know you attended the group.

Will I have home tasks to do?

Each session will give you a home task to try. None of these are written tasks unless you wish to record them. We will give opportunities for parents to discuss the outcomes of these home tasks at the start of the following session.

What if English is not my first language, can I still attend a group?

We welcome all parents. Our facilitators, however, are English speaking so we can only offer an English-speaking group. Where possible, we do try to accommodate parents by adapting activities to meet the needs of the group.

How accessible are your groups for those with disabilities or additional requirements?

We make every effort to ensure our groups are accessible and inclusive to all. If you wish to attend a group and have a particular requirement, please discuss this with a parent support worker prior to attending the group.

Can I bring a friend or relative with me to the group?

Our groups are very friendly and supportive, but you are welcome to bring a friend or relative should you wish. We ask that you discuss this with a parent support worker prior to starting the group.