Weaning is when you start to introduce solid food into your baby’s diet, alongside their usual breast/formula milk feeds.
Weaning is usually advised from approximately 6 months old when your baby maybe ready to start trying solids. Signs that your baby might be ready include:
- Being able to hold their own head up steady
- Coordinated eyes, hand, and mouth movements - so they can look at food, pick it up and out it in their mouth
- Swallow food rather than spit it back out
Our health visiting teams also run a 1 hour ‘Introduction to Solids’ workshop to support families at this stage in their child’s development. If you would like to join the next available workshop, please email the Health Visiting team and include your baby’s name, date of birth, and contact telephone number in the email.
You can also find lots of weaning information on the NHS Start for Life webpage.